Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mom Jeans + Gucci Marmont

When you accidentally go twinning with them table umbrellas...:P

Top: Olivia & Fifth / Jeans: Topshop / Shoes: Zara / Bag: Gucci (via Fashion Curator Manila) / Earrings: Mango

I mentioned in my previous post that I was on the hunt for the great pair of 'mom jeans' and I found a pretty decent substitute by way of these Topshop jeans -- these perfectly fit into my uniform choice as of late: jeans + basic top + mid heel shoes. This style mindset just makes it easier to dress up in the morning for work...which makes me think -- do I start purging my closet off of the 'trendy' pieces and just really stick to the basics? Decisions, decisions.

P.S. So happy to share with you my latest acquisition - the gorgeous Gucci Marmont, which the Fashion Curator Manila helped source for me. I've been obsessing over this bag for months and I'm so thrilled to finally have my hands on it!

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