Monday, April 17, 2017

Denim on the Beach

Denim on the beach...'coz why the hell not? 

Bikini Top: River Island / Denim Skirt: Alexander Wang

Spent the Holy Week by the beach with officemates for #workcation -- a first for me since all previous Holy Week breaks were spent at home with the family, to rest and reflect. As expected, the beach was insanely crowded, with various families and barkadas securing all available spots they can get their hands and beach mats on. Thankfully, we stayed in a hotel located at the far end of the strip, away from the throng and the noise.

Our downtime was spent exploring the beach, eating, struggling to get through a huge inflatable obstacle course set up in the middle of the sea, kayaking (which ended up as a total fiasco, leaving me and my teammate stranded in a nearby beach for a good hour whilst barefoot under the intense summer heat) and eating some more until our bellies couldn't handle it anymore. Haha! What an experience that was!

How did you Holy Week break go? Let me know!

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